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11.5x14.5 original cover of McCall's magazine (1953) framed,  layered with screenprint, spray paint, and diamond dust embellishments.

McCall's: Domestic Flight

  • She’s polished. Composed. Suspended midair like a decorative ornament from 1953. But don’t mistake this for glamour—this is a holding cell dressed in pearls. Using a vintage McCall’s magazine as the backdrop, this piece cages the idealized housewife and asks the question no one in 1953 dared to: What if she wanted out?

    The title, Domestic Flight, plays on escape—whether it’s a bird fleeing its cage or a woman choosing something other than what she was told to want. Glitter masks the suffocation. Perfection becomes performance. And in the middle of it all, she waits… wings clipped but eyes wide open.

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